Our friends (and gracious hosts) the AUUF present past Sundilla artist Jim Scott‘s “Singing on the Side of Love” concert on Sunday, June 24 at 7:00 p.m.. Admission is $8-20 sliding scale with portion to benefit AUUF outreach. They invite you to join in a rousing musical celebrations of peace and ecological harmony. Sponsored by Auburn Alliance for Peace & Justice and Sundilla.
Jim Scott has brought his contemporary and multicultural music to more than 500 UU Churches over 27 years. His much loved “Gather the Spirit” and a number of others are included in the UU hymnbooks. Former Co-chair of the UU Ministry for the Earth, Jim was involved in creating the “Green Sanctuary” program. He was awarded a grant from the Fund for Unitarian Universalism to compile and arrange the Earth and Spirit Songbook, a collection of over 100 songs of earth and peace that has been acclaimed as a great resource for worship and RE programs.
In concerts and Sunday services, Jim speaks with passion on ecology, justice and peace, and often works with choirs, inspiring singers to new levels of expression. His lyrical poetry and stories are calls to action, full of hope and gentle wit. Though Jim is often brought in as the “speaker,” his services are always very musical. As song-leader he lifts joyous participation from congregations.
In his years with the Paul Winter Consort, Jim co-wrote their celebrated Missa Gaia/Earth Mass and sang their signature song Common Ground. His eco-anthem A Song for the Earth was recorded at the United Nations. Jim has gone on to create an extensive body of work including PBS soundtracks, award winning choral works and seven CDs of original music. On his new CD Gather the Spirit Jim is featured leading choral arrangements of his songs from the UU hymnbooks and other new creations. He’s taught courses at such prestigious schools as Oberlin College and been an artist in residence in many schools and universities.