As a 501 (c)3 non-profit, all-volunteer organization, Sundilla relies on the generosity of donors. Every little bit helps, but we are especially grateful to those we call Folk Heroes.
We also offer businesses and individuals the opportunity to be the sole sponsor of a concert. Sponsoring a concert for $300 gets you:
Mention on up to 10 online event calendars
Mention in every newspaper article and radio/TV PSA.
Mention in every Sundilla Facebook post about the event.
Mention in Sundilla emails about the concert.
Inclusion (name or logo) on concert posters.
10-second mention on up to three different episodes of The Sundilla Radio Hour.
Satisfaction with knowing that you are being recognized as the only sponsor, instead of hoping that people notice your logo crammed together with all of the other logos on the back of a t-shirt.
2 VIP tickets to that concert.
Up your sponsorship to $500, and you’ll get all of that plus
Inclusion (name or logo) in a newspaper display ad.
2 additional VIP tickets (total of 4) to that concert.
Hank Banks
Fudd Graham and Patty Tyler
Mark Wilkinson
Mike and Cindy Reinke
Barry and Mary Burkhardt
Tom & Shani White
Nathaniel & Mary Elizabeth Lippitt
Steve Scully
Special thanks to our friends at The Sound Wall, and AU100 radio
Want to get in on the fun? Head on over to the Buy Tickets page, and select Be a Folk Hero. Or if you just want season passes, click the Season Passes link.