The Sundilla Radio Hour is a weekly one-hour program featuring music and conversation with independent, contemporary folk musicians. It is a production of The Sundilla Concert Series and Troy Public Radio featuring music and conversation with independent, contemporary folk musicians. Kelly Walker is the host and producer. Bailey Jones is the Executive Producer. If you like the music you hear, buy the artists’ CDs and see them live! We welcome your comments at
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Rachael Kilgour “How I Was Made” My Father Loved Me (2023 Rachael Kilgour) 5:00
Avery Hill “Harmonies in the Hallway” The One Who Remembers (2024 Avery Hill) 4:10
Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer “Gentle Arms of Eden” Drum Hat Buddha (2014 Signature Sounds) 3:03
Rakish “Island in the Sea” Now, O Now (2024 Rakish) 4:19
Hana Zara “Our Work Here Is Not yet Done” Bloom Where You Fall (2024 Hana Porrua) 4:03
Crow and Gazelle “These Are the Days” As Above Now so Below (2024 Crow and Gazelle) 3:02
The Rough & Tumble “Hard Times (You & Me)” Single (2022 Penny Jar) 3:13
Joe Crookston “Garlic” Nine Becomes One Chapter 9 (Start Brave) (2023 Joe Crookston) 3:48
Lizzie No “The Heartbreak Store” Halfsies (2024 Miss Freedomland) 3:16
Robert Lester Folsom “Sunshine Only Sometimes” Sunshine Only Sometimes: Archives Vol. 2, 1972-1975 (2022 Anthology) 4:03
Maya De Vitry “Stacy, In Her Wedding Gown” Infinite (2023 Mad Maker Studio) 3:57
Julian Taylor “Ain’t Life Strange” Pathways (2024 Howling Turtle) 4:04
Crys Matthews “Exactly Where You Are” Changemakers (2021 Crys Matthews) 4:01